Have you used the excuse “It costs too much to eat healthy”? Buying fresh ingredients can impact your grocery bill but in the long run it can save you so much more when you put your health first.
We put together our list of tips to help save money at the grocery store.
Plan ahead and make a list.
This will keep you focused on what you need for the week versus grabbing impulse items that can
really add to the budget.
Use leftovers.
As you make your list and menu, understand where you can use leftover ingredients.
Make more and freeze.
Double your recipe and freeze the leftovers for a later meal. This is great when you find a good deal
at your local market.
Try reducing your meat consumption.
Meat purchases can really add up. Try meatless Monday or adding more vegetables to your plate
and smaller meat portions.
Shop in season.
Produce that is in season is usually cheaper and tastes wonderful. Frequent farmers markets to
save on your weekly budget and support local farmers.
Buy in bulk.
You will save in the long run if you have an opportunity to buy spices, grains, nuts, etc. in bulk.
Review your spending.
Take time to understand where you overspend and set a goal to reduce in future weeks.